When you get into a cab, you are putting your trust in another driver. Sometimes accidents happen that cause injuries and navigating the claims process can cause additional stress and worry. When you are involved in an accident with a cab company, you may not know where to start with your claim. Our office has compiled some tips to keep in mind if this happens to you:If you are a passenger in a Taxi CabIf you are passenger riding on a taxi, and this vehicle is involved in an accident that has injured you or you could potentially be injured from, there are several pieces of information you’ll want to collect, some of these include:
- Get the name of the driver of your vehicle
- Get the ID number the vehicle as well as the cab company’s name
- Note the date, time, and location of the accident.
- Note the route you are on.
- Write down a brief description of what happened (this may be difficult if you did not see how the collision was caused)
- If you are able to speak with the other party involved or the police officer, it is advisable to take that opportunity and make sure that your name is included on any reports that may be made
If You have a Collision with a Taxi Cab
In the event that you have a collision with a taxi cab, you too will need to gather specific information to help identify the vehicle that you were in an incident with for the insurance company, so that your claim maybe resolved. Some of that information together includes:
- Get the name of the driver of the Taxi Cab
- Get the ID number the vehicle and the cab company’s name
- Note the date, time, and location of the accident.
- Write down a brief description of what happened
- If you’re able to speak with the driver of the vehicle, write down anything met the driver says to you. This information may prove useful when determining who is at fault for this accident.
Claims against cab companies can be challenging due to the “quick nature” or the transportation business as well as the fact that tracking down insurance for large companies is sometimes a difficult task. It is highly recommended to hire an attorney to help with this process. Attorneys have experience in handling these types of claims and have valuable knowledge of the laws that protect individuals in these types of situations.
David S. Kohm and Associates have represented clients against the local taxi cab companies and are well-versed in the complicated nature these claims. If you have been an accident and need legal assistance, do not hesitate contact David S. Kohm and Associates. We are here for you 24/7.