How An Attorney Can Help You Solve Problems With An Unfair Auto Insurance Company

How An Attorney Can Help You Solve Problems With An Unfair Auto Insurance Company

Sustaining physical or property damages from a car accident is challenging, but the situation is more difficult when your auto insurance company doesn’t fulfill the end of its contract.  Auto Insurance companies have premiums that are often costly, and they also have standard company policies when handling claims that can…

What Are the Risks of a Careless and Exhausted Truck Driver Making Wide Turns?

What Are the Risks of a Careless and Exhausted Truck Driver Making Wide Turns

Making turns driving a truck and trailer is far more complex than driving a smaller vehicle. These heavy vehicles take up more space and must often swing into the other lane first before being able to maneuver a turn with enough clearance. Unfortunately, accidents happen. When truck drivers make a…

The Value Of Dashcam Video Evidence In Truck Accident Cases

The Value Of Dashcam Video Evidence In Truck Accident Cases

In many collision incidents involving a truck and another car, the courts most likely side with the driver with the smaller vehicle. This is because these drivers usually sustain more severe injuries. However, that doesn’t take away one’s responsibility to prove that the truck driver was at fault. A seasoned…

How Do You Know When to Settle a Car Accident Case?

How Do You Know When to Settle a Car Accident Case

Case settlements are usually more efficient, cost-effective and typically faster than trying a car accident case in court. It’s also less stressful and helps you avoid the hassles of making court appearances. An auto accident attorney can help you decide when it’s best to settle or go to court. Factors…

Tactics Used by Insurance Companies To Trick You To Lower Settlements

Tactics Used by Insurance Companies To Trick You To Lower Settlements

Finding yourself in a car accident is a stressful event in itself, and it can be worsened when you are not the driver at fault. The authorities may have already established that the other driver is responsible for the accident. As a result, you expect the other driver’s insurance company…

Trucking Companies Often Liable for Driver Accidents: How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

Trucking Companies Often Liable for Driver Accidents: How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

Tractor-trailers are enormous pieces of machinery. They can be more than 70 feet long, and they can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. When they’re involved in an accident with a passenger vehicle, injuries can be catastrophic or even fatal. Determining Liability These types of accidents can be legally challenging. Determining…

Involved in a Accident with a Motorcycle: See How Our Arlington Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Can Help

Involved in a Accident with a Motorcycle: See How Our Arlington Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Can Help

Motorcycle accidents in Arlington, Texas are all too common and even a minor collision or mishap can often result in extensive damages or serious injury. With less visibility due to their small size and the lack of exterior protection for riders and passengers, cyclists need to do everything in their…

Frisco Texas Personal Injury Attorney Helps Victims of Workplace Injuries

Frisco Texas Personal Injury Attorney Helps Victims of Workplace Injuries

Were you recently injured in an accident at your workplace in Frisco, Texas? If so, you should know that there is help available. If your employer or insurance company is refusing to give you the full settlement you deserve, you can find justice elsewhere. You can hire a Frisco personal…

Learn How Social Media Can Damage Your Personal Injury Claim

Learn How Social Media Can Damage Your Personal Injury Claim

Social media has become an important part of daily life. In fact, it is estimated that 60 percent of adults use social media regularly. Social media is a great place to share photos and update people on what is going on with your life. However, you have to be careful…

Fatal Commercial Truck Accidents are on the Rise on Texas Highways. A Texas Truck Accident Attorney Fights to Hold the Trucking Industry Accountable.

Fatal Commercial Truck Accidents are on the Rise on Texas Highways

Although the economy is booming across Texas, an unfortunate side effect has been a rise in truck accidents. Part of the reason behind the increase is simply that there are more trucks on the road due to growing industries in the region, including oil and gas. When you add in…