Do You Have Nerve Damage After Your Car Crash? Learn How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Do You Have Nerve Damage After Your Car Crash

The human nervous system is extremely sensitive. Even if you get into a minor car accident, you can still be left with neuropathy, or nerve damage. That is why it is important to hire a car accident attorney if you have been hurt in an accident. Insurance companies try their…

Injured in a Red Light Car Accident in Dallas, Texas? Find Out How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Injured in a Red Light Car Accident in Dallas Texas

What To Do After A Red Light Traffic Accident This year countless Dallas residents will find themselves involved in a red light car accident of some kind. It is common for stopped vehicles to collide with one another when a distracted driver does not notice that a light has turned…

A Dallas Truck Accident Attorney Explains How Obtaining Information from a 18 Wheeler’s Black Box Can Help Your Case.

18 Wheeler’s Black Box Can Help Your Case

What are Black Boxes? Black boxes are also known as event data recorders or electronic control modules. Most commercial trucks have black boxes. These black boxes record all of a driver’s actions. This information can be critical to a personal injury case. If you have been hurt in a truck…

How Long Does an Auto Accident Case Take to Settle? An Auto Accident Attorney Helps Explain.

How Long Does an Auto Accident Case Take to Settle

One of the most common questions that people have after a car accident is “How long does it take for the case to settle?” The reason that people ask this question is because a car accident can be very traumatic. They want to be able to put it behind them…

Distracted Driving is a Frequent Cause of Rear-End Accidents. See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help You with Your Injury Claim.

Distracted Driving is a Frequent Cause of Rear-End Accidents

Careful driving requires that drivers keep their full attention on the road while driving. However, this happens far less often than it should. Today, many drivers engage in some distracting behavior, another that diverts the driver’s attention from the road. Distracted drivers are more likely to cause a rear-end accident….

The Truck Driver Shortage and Problems Supervising Drivers Often Help Cause Auto Accidents. Learn How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help.

The Truck Driver Shortage and Problems Supervising Drivers Often Help Cause Auto Accidents

For years, the American Trucking Association (ATA) has been sounding an alarm: the trucking industry is desperately short on qualified drivers. If the labor force isn’t strong enough to support that transportation network, it could have a devastating impact on our economy. However, there’s another way that the shortage could…

What to Do If You are Injured in a Side Impact or Side Swipe Accident? A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

What to Do If You are Injured in a Side Impact or Side Swipe Accident

Although at first glance, a side impact or side swipe accident may not look serious, that assumption is misleading. If you or a loved one have been injured in a side impact or side swipe accident, you need to realize that there are some important steps you should take to…

How to be Paid for Your Injuries from a Car Accident if You are Not Wearing a Seatbelt? A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

How to be Paid for Your Injuries from a Car Accident if You are Not Wearing a Seatbelt

An accident is a sudden and terribly violent event. Although you may have taken every driving precaution you can, to avoid an accident, there is no way to control the actions of other people. The best you can hope for is that you will not be hurt too badly if…

What Are My Rights as an Injured Passenger in a Car? A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

What Are My Rights as an Injured Passenger in a Car

As a passenger in a car, you have the right to expect that your safety and well-being will be looked after. The person driving should follow the rules of the road, and they should not take risks when driving. When in the car with someone else behind the wheel, you…

How Do You Challenge Your Percentage of Fault in a Car Accident? See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

How Do You Challenge Your Percentage of Fault in a Car Accident

Automobile accidents can have a profound impact upon an individual’s personal and professional lives. Associated injuries could precipitate pain, mobility issues and emotional suffering that may yield an inability to work followed by significant economic distress. Such mishaps might be further compounded by the victim’s beliefs that the incident was…