Archive for the ‘Truck Accident’ Category

Fatalities From an 18 Wheeler Accident May Warrant a Wrongful Death Lawsuit. See How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help.

Fatalities From an 18 Wheeler Accident

Our economy depends on large trucks to move goods. If you latterly bought something from a grocery or appliance store, it likely got there via truck. However, the prevalence of those large vehicles has negative consequences as well—serious traffic accidents. Fatal truck accidents are a part of the truth during…

5 Most Common Reasons for an 18 Wheeler Accident. An Arlington Truck Accident Attorney Explains

5 Most Common Reasons for an 18 Wheeler Accident

Transport vehicles like 18-wheelers play an integral role in helping companies and organizations ship heavy duty goods from one location to another. That said, the sheer size of these 18-wheeler trucks often contribute to the cause and severity of truck accidents. If you or a loved one has been involved…

Involved in an Accident with a Big Truck Because of a Fallen Debris or Lost Load? See How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help.

Involved in an Accident with a Big Truck Because of a Fallen Debris or Lost Load

Every day, tractor trailers and large trucks are hauling heavy loads on Texas highways and freeways. These commercial big rigs are carrying everything from construction materials and vehicles to toxic chemicals. The cargo these 18-wheelers are hauling can become deadly weapons when not adequately secured. If you or a beloved…

Amazon Delivery Truck Accidents are Increasing on Texas Roadways. Learn How an Amazon Accident Attorney Can Help.

Amazon Delivery Truck Accidents are Increasing on Texas Roadways.

If you or a beloved has been injured as a results of a collision caused by an Amazon delivery driver, you’ll be wondering what your options are. An experienced truck accident attorney will have worked with variety of people who are involved in delivery van accidents and have helped them…

Dangerous Lane Changes By 18 Wheelers Can Cause Catastrophic Injuries for Accident Victims. Learn How to Get Compensation.

Dangerous Lane Changes By 18 Wheelers Can Cause Catastrophic Injuries for Accident Victims.

When a truck makes an improper lane change, unhealthy accidents and injuries will happen. If a teamster fails to see all of his or her blind spots before dynamical lanes, the injury are often catastrophic. Truck accidents may result in severe brain and spinal injuries, fractures, or maybe wrongful death….

Overworked Truckers Are Dangerous and Often Use Drugs to Stay Awake. An Experienced Truck Accident Attorney Explains How to Prove the Truck Driver Was at Fault.

Overworked Truckers Are Dangerous and Often Use Drugs to Stay Awake. An Experienced Truck Accident Attorney Explains How to Prove the Truck Driver Was at Fault.

At the point when a transporter needs to make a stop to rest or rest, they can fall behind on their conveyances and lose valuable time out and about, which can cost them and their boss’ cash. At the point when espresso and caffeinated drinks aren’t sufficient to keep them…

Commercial Truck Accidents Tend to Cause Substantial Property Damage. Learn How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Assist You

You are a careful and conscientious driver. When you get on the road, your main concern is for the safety of your passengers and your fellow drivers. You are especially alert around trucks. These large, lumbering vehicles must be given adequate space to move and maneuver, and you must ensure…

Tire Blowout Causes a Commercial Truck Accident. A Truck Accident Attorney Explains Who is at Fault

Tire Blowout Causes a Commercial Truck Accident. A Truck Accident Attorney Explains Who is at Fault

What Causes Tire Blowouts? Tire blowouts are an extremely common occurrence, and they are dangerous for any vehicle. However, tire blowouts are even more dangerous for commercial trucks because of their large size. Trucks also carry a large amount of cargo, which can make a tire blowout even more dangerous….

Who is at Fault for a Truck Accident Caused By Faulty Brakes. See How a Truck Accident Attorney Can Help.

Who is at Fault for a Truck Accident Caused By Faulty Brakes

Most commercial trucks travel thousands of miles each year, which puts a tremendous strain on their braking systems. The friction caused by stopping an 80,000-pound vehicle wears them down after a while; and if such braking system are not monitored, maintained, and replaced when necessary, then it can lead to…

Injured in a roll-over accident with an 18 Wheeler? Learn How a Truck Accident Attorney can Help.

Injured in a roll-over accident with an 18 Wheeler

There are very few things as terrifying as being involved in an accident with an 18-wheeler on the highway. Fatalities are common in serious truck accidents, and rollovers by smaller vehicles is a regular occurrence. Seat belts and air bags tend to function well as safety devices in most cases,…