Archive for the ‘Texting Accident’ Category

How to Deal with Car Accidents Caused by Distracted Drivers

Distracted Driving Car Accidents

How an Attorney Can Help Distracted driving is one of the biggest problems on the road. It results in more car accidents across the country and specifically, in the state of Texas than many other issues. Within the state, 460 people were tragically killed in accidents involving drivers who were…

Texting and Driving Accidents Continue to Plague Texas Streets. Find Out How a Car Accident Attorney Can Maximize Your Claim.

Texting and Driving Accidents Continue to Plague Texas Streets

Many people think it is safe to multi-task while driving. However, study after study has shown that being distracted while driving can greatly increase your risk of getting into a car accident. Texting is one of the worst distractions. If you text while you drive, then you are 23 times…

What Are the Risks of a Careless and Exhausted Truck Driver Making Wide Turns?

What Are the Risks of a Careless and Exhausted Truck Driver Making Wide Turns

Making turns driving a truck and trailer is far more complex than driving a smaller vehicle. These heavy vehicles take up more space and must often swing into the other lane first before being able to maneuver a turn with enough clearance. Unfortunately, accidents happen. When truck drivers make a…

Texting While Driving is Causing a Rise in Car Accidents in Dallas and Fort Worth

Texting While Driving is Causing a Rise in Car Accidents in Dallas and Fort Worth

Distracted Driving is a Common Problem in Texas The number of people getting into accidents due to distracted drivers is on the rise. In fact, distracted driving was the culprit behind 90,000 of the accidents that occurred in Texas in 2012. The accidents resulted in 18,486 injuries and 453 deaths….

Infographic: Teen Driving Safety

Your children are your pride and joy. You want to protect them and keep them safe from any type of harm. However, as they age, they begin growing into adults, taking on the responsibilities and obligations required of most adults. One of these responsibilities includes learning how to drive, which can often be a scary […]

How Can an Auto Accident Attorney Help Prove the Other Driver was Texting When They Caused a Car Accident?

How Can an Auto Accident Attorney Help Prove the Other Driver was Texting When They Caused a Car Accident

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines distracted driving as any activity that diverts a driver’s attention from the task of safe driving. According to, these activities can be categorized as visual, manual, and cognitive distractions. Cellphone use, for example, encompasses all three categories. The Department of Motor…

September 1st, Texting and Driving Will Become Illegal in Texas

Texas Distracted Driving Bill Signed

It Will Be Illegal to Text and Drive in Texas Starting September 1, 2017 Beginning September 1, 2017, Texans will be banned from texting as they drive across the state. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the measure into law and added amendments designed to keep any local laws from overriding…

Governor Signs Texting and Driving Ban

Texas Distracted Driving Bill Signed

Texas lawmakers have passed a bill designed to make texting and emailing while driving on roadways in the Lone Star State illegal. Governor Greg Abbott was reportedly undecided on how to act regarding the legislation, with his staff indicating that he had some concerns about the bill. The Current State…

Three Things to Do After a Texting and Driving Accident

Whether due to texting and driving, hit and run or drunk driving, an automobile collision is a stressful and sometimes devastating occurrence. You may feel overwhelmed and burdened by the outcomes. Fortunately, car accident attorney, David S. Kohm in the greater Arlington area, stands ready and willing to help you…

Texting and Driving is the New Drinking and Driving

You might not feel as though there’s any real harm in flicking your eyes down to your phone every now and then as you’re crawling through traffic, but you don’t want to experience firsthand just how dangerous texting and driving is. Texting and driving in Arlington is almost as dangerous…