Archive for the ‘Divorce Attorney’ Category

Can I Join a Dating Site like Tinder While My Divorce is Pending? A Texas Divorce Attorney Explains.

Can I Join a Dating Site like Tinder While My Divorce is Pending

During pending divorces, it is actually suitable for people to date. Some may be eager to get to the next step and others may be hesitant. Either way, it is absolutely your personal decision whether or not you are getting back into the dating world. However, you want to be…

Who Gets Custody of the Pets in a Divorce? A Texas Divorce Attorney Helps Explain.

Who Gets Custody of the Pets in a Divorce?

What Happens to Pets During a Divorce? People do not go into marriage believing that this union will end in divorce, but many marriages do, unfortunately, end in divorce. During a divorce two individuals who have been together must now divide everything they have accumulated during their marriage. It could…

I Think My Spouse is Hiding Money. How a Divorce Attorney Can Help Find Any Hidden Assets?

I Think My Spouse is Hiding Money

Thinking your spouse is hiding assets can be stressful, and feeling you have no means to find out if your suspicions are correct, can be especially frustrating. Unfortunately, hidden assets are not uncommon especially during a divorce. However, powerful legal tools called “discovery” can help find hidden assets. If you…

Does My Spouse Have a Right to a House I Owned Before Our Marriage? A Texas Divorce Attorney Explains.

Does My Spouse Have a Right to a House I Owned Before Our Marriage

Are you considering or dealing with a divorce? How about determining which party has the legal rights to certain property? Do you want to keep property that you owned prior to your marriage? Have you consulted with an experienced Texas divorce attorney to see what is the proper path forward?…

Does Adultery Constitute Grounds For Divorce in Texas? A Texas Divorce Attorney Explains.

Does Adultery Constitute Grounds For Divorce in Texas

Rarely in the State of Texas does adultery play a major role in the granting of a divorce. Most divorce judges recognize that adultery is usually symptomatic of underlying problems in a marriage and not a sole cause for divorce. Particularly objectionable-seeming cases of adultery (i.e. cheating with a spouse’s…

A Texas Divorce Attorney Explains What You Need to Consider When Planning a Divorce

What You Need to Consider When Planning a Divorce

While no one wants a marriage to end, there are times when it just isn’t going to work out for both parties involved. When you are thinking of getting a divorce, there are some things that you need to consider. You need to make sure that you are thinking logically…

How Do You Prove a Parent is Unfit in a Child Custody Case? A Texas Family Law Attorney Explains.

How Do You Prove a Parent is Unfit in a Child Custody Case?

It is important to familiarize yourself with the child custody laws, but even more importantly is having an experienced Texas family law attorney on your side to guide you and provide sound legal advice. The court’s desire is to make sure that the child is with the parent that is…

Should I let my Spouse Keep the House in a Divorce? A Plano Divorce Attorney Explains.

Should I let my Spouse Keep the House in a Divorce

Who Keeps the House?  Many people struggle to decide who should keep the house after a divorce. Texas is a community property state, which means that property is generally divided equally. Both spouses are entitled to at least 50 percent equity in the home. However, the judge will look at…

Do I Have to Sell My Home in a Texas Divorce: How a Texas Divorce Lawyer Can Help

Do I Have to Sell My Home in a Texas Divorce

Divorcing and selling a home are both financially taxing and emotionally tiring situations. It is easy for a person to become so overwhelmed with emotion that they start to make decisions that are not based on sound reasoning. This can lead to long-term negative consequences that they later regret. If…

What is Parental Alienation and What are the Legal Implications for Your Divorce?

What is Parental Alienation and What are the Legal Implications for Your Divorce

Parental alienation is a legal term that describes a condition where one parent undermines, degrades, and damages the other parent’s relationship with one’s child or children. Children will feel especially vulnerable during a separation or divorce, and relationships with parents can get strained. The experience can be traumatic for some…