Archive for the ‘distracted driving’ Category

How to Deal with Car Accidents Caused by Distracted Drivers

Distracted Driving Car Accidents

How an Attorney Can Help Distracted driving is one of the biggest problems on the road. It results in more car accidents across the country and specifically, in the state of Texas than many other issues. Within the state, 460 people were tragically killed in accidents involving drivers who were…

What to Do If You are Injured By a Distracted Driver? See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

What to Do If You are Injured By a Distracted Driver

Distracted driving has become a huge problem everywhere. Texas is no different as many people are involved in serious road accidents every single day as a result of drivers who are distracted while they are operating a vehicle. If you are involved in an accident due to a distracted driver,…

What to Do if You Suspect that the Other Driver Involved in an Accident was Texting on their Phone?

What to Do if You Suspect that the Other Driver Involved in an Accident was Texting on their Phone

Proving someone was texting or using a cell phone while driving is not easy, so it’s essential to contact the police right away, and hire an experienced car accident attorney. Using cell phones while driving has become an epidemic in causing car accidents. An experienced car accident attorney can help…

Distracted Driving Accidents Are a Major Issue on Texas Roads. Learn How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Distracted Driving Accidents Are a Major Issue on Texas Roads

Almost every motorist has witnessed another driver texting or speaking on their mobile device while driving. This practice is known as distracted driving because said action decreases the driver’s alertness and exerts a significantly adverse impact upon the individual’s ability to properly guide their vehicle. If you or a loved…

Texting and Driving Still a Prevalent Cause for Accidents

texting and driving

Distracted driving is dangerous, everyone knows this but so many still do it. Checking texts or emails or sending a reply to a message takes focus off of the road for a minimum of 5 seconds. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6…

How Can an Auto Accident Attorney Help Prove the Other Driver was Texting When They Caused a Car Accident?

How Can an Auto Accident Attorney Help Prove the Other Driver was Texting When They Caused a Car Accident

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines distracted driving as any activity that diverts a driver’s attention from the task of safe driving. According to, these activities can be categorized as visual, manual, and cognitive distractions. Cellphone use, for example, encompasses all three categories. The Department of Motor…

Don’t Be a Victim of a Texting Auto Accident in Arlington, TX

You have been behind them on the road before – the driver swerving between lanes or coming to a stop just in time. Oftentimes you can even see what the driver is doing, and more likely than not, their eyes are on their phones, not on the road. As text messaging becomes more and more […]