Archive for the ‘Car Accident’ Category

Road Rage: A Serious Problem Leading to Serious Car Accidents

Road Rage Car Accidents

Studies have shown that a shocking number of drivers have engaged in road rage behaviors, which has caused numerous car accidents. According to a study by AAA, the most common factors that cause road rage include distracted drivers, traffic backups, and even slow traffic lights. Although these might seem like…

What do I do NOW??!! WALK??!!!

hit and run accident

Americans in general and especially Texans, rely heavily on their automobiles. There are both good and bad things about this that can be debated. However the bottom line is that without a car, most of us are literally stranded. Automobile accidents, even less serious ones, bring everything to a grinding…

Look Out For ROAD RAGE!

It’s HOT!! You’re sitting in rush hour. Again. You could almost walk home and get there faster. And did we mention it was hot? Heat and heavy traffic add lots of frustration to your commute to and from work. Tempers flare and everyone is pushing to MOVE. Drivers become more…

Safe Travels on the Holidays

Each year millions of Texans hit the road and travel for the holidays. The holidays can be stressful enough, the last thing you want to do is add an auto accident to your list of thing to take care of. David Kohm and Associates have these reminders for you for…

What to do After an Accident with a Big Rig

Information to Gather After 18 Wheeler Accident

Big Rig accidents are common, scary, and dangerous. After being involved in this type of accident, it is understandable that one may become shocked, confused, or frustrated and neglect to obtain the information necessary to recover settlements that are owed to you. Here are a few tips to help ensure…

Car Seat Safety

Baby in car seat for safety

An auto accident can occur at any time. Luckily your baby or toddler is strapped in to that fancy car seat in the back. Unfortunately, many parents or caretakers do not properly secure the car seats that their little ones ride in. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, “correctly used child…

Workers’ Compensation And Telecommuting

5 things not to do after a car accident

Car accidents are on the rise today due to heavy traffic, distracted driving and inclement weather. The National Safety Council states that in 2015, the United States experienced the largest increase in car accidents in 50 years. Unfortunately, this means you will most likely deal with at least one car…

Serious Injuries Caused by Auto Accidents

There are an estimated 5 million auto accidents in the United States each year. While often times these accidents are minor, there are many accidents that cause serious injuries each year. When you are involved in an auto accident it is important to be aware of the symptoms associated with…

What to do if You are Involved in a Car Accident with a Driver who Refuses to Cooperate with an Insurance Company? See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

What to do if You are Involved in a Car Accident with a Driver who Refuses to Cooperate with an Insurance Company

After an automobile accident, assuming no one was seriously injured, things can be a bit chaotic, what with all the exchanging of documents, inspection of vehicle damage, communication with law enforcement officials and everything else that comes along with the post-traumatic elements of such an incident. The last thing you…

Getting Help After a Hit and Run Accident

There is nothing worse than coming out of your home, office or a social event and finding that your once-beautiful vehicle has been marred (or mauled) by someone else who wasn’t even courteous enough to take responsibility. And while it is of course true that property can be repaired and…