Archive for the ‘Car Accident’ Category

How Talking to the Insurance Company Without an Attorney Can Destroy Your Case

Talking to Insurance Can Ruin Car Accident Case

When you have been involved in a car accident, you are placed in a situation where you’ve got to deal with an insurance company in order to be compensated for your injuries or damages. You are likely in a situation in which you have so much going on that you…

October a Severe Month for Car Crashes

October car accidents

Driving on the nation’s roadways requires drivers to be vigilant, knowledgeable of signs, speed limits, and rules, and have the ability to operate their vehicle in a safe manner. Unfortunately, as we all know, not all drivers are vigilant or safe. Even if we are the most careful of drivers,…

Why Timing is Important if You Have a Whiplash Injury After a Car Accident

Why timing is important after a whiplash injury

Whiplash injuries are probably the most disputed injuries in a car accident. They’re often the hardest to prove, and many claim that whiplash isn’t a serious injury, or that those who claim to be suffering from it are ‘milking’ it and just trying to get as much money as possible….

What if I Was a Passenger in a Car Accident?

What if I was a passenger in a car accident?

Car accidents are messy and complicated. Figuring out liability, the cost of damage to the vehicles, and concern over injuries are just a few of the things drivers have to worry about after the accident. While an accident such as being rear-ended may be very simple, most are much more…

Top 5 Reasons People are Seriously Injured While Driving

Top 5 reasons for serious car accidents and injuries

Each time you drive your vehicle you run the risk of being in a car accident. You put your life and other lives around you at risk with your actions. Decisions like speeding or breaking other laws are hazardous to everyone on the road. Distractions and not paying attention to…

Insurance Claims Dos and Dont’s Following a Car Accident

Insurance claims after car accident

If you are involved in a car accident, then you will need to contact your insurance company. The way you communicate with your insurance company can have a positive or negative effect on your claim. There are a number of things that you should and should not do while filing…

Full Coverage Insurance – Am I Really Covered?

Full Coverage Insurance and Car Accidents

Know the Extent of Your Auto Insurance Coverage When a person is searching for car insurance, they will have to decide on the limits of their policy. Limits determine the most money an insurance company will pay when a claim is made after an accident. Once an insurance company pays…

October a Serious Month for Car Crashes

October car accident news

Each year in the United States, 3 million people are injured or permanently disabled in car crashes. 37,000 people each year die as a result. Distracted driving is one of the rising causes of crashes with around 1,060 people injured each year. The top three factors in all car crashes in the…

How to Deal with Uninsured Motorists

Car Crash with Uninsured Driver

Car accidents happen all the time. When it happens, you can at least take some comfort in relying on car insurance that both you and the other driver carry to cover your medical expenses and repairs to your vehicle right? But what happens when you get into an accident with…

Should Drivers Always Report a Car Accident?

Reporting a Car Accident

Most insurance policies have wording in them that requires a policyholder to report any and all car accidents. This may be difficult for an insurance company to enforce in every case. If the accident is a minor one with no injuries or damage, it’s common for people not to report…