Archive for the ‘Car Accident’ Category

What You Should Know About Drunk Driving Accidents Caused by Bar Over Serving Negligence

Drunk Driving Accidents Caused by Bar Over Serving Negligence

Alcohol and vehicles are a dangerous combination. In the year 2015, approximately one-third of all accident related deaths were caused by drunk driving. Society generally places the blame on the driver. However, the law allows other parties to be implicated as well. Bars, restaurants and nightclubs may be held liable…

What If There Were No Witnesses to My Car Accident? Can an Attorney Help Me?

No Witnesses to My Car Accident? Can an Attorney Help Me?

Every car accident victim needs evidence to prove his or her side of the story. One common piece of evidence in an auto accident case is a statement from an independent witness. A pedestrian’s testimony can easily swing the case from one way to the other. Nonetheless, what do you…

Wearing a Seat Belt Affects your Injury Claim: How a Car Accident Lawyer can Help

Wearing a seat belt can affect your car accident case

Buckle up! Click it or ticket! We all know the rules and the ad campaigns designed to increase awareness. Use a seat belt when you are driving or a passenger in a car or suffer the consequences. What then if you are involved in a car accident, failed to adequately…

How to Receive Compensation for Dental Injuries Caused by a Car Accident

Compensation for Dental Injuries Caused by a Car Accident

Victims of car accidents often don’t realize they’re hurt immediately after the accident occurs. Adrenaline flowing in a person’s body is able to mask many types of injuries. Some may take hours or even days before realizing the true extent of their injuries. It’s possible for people to experience damage to…

How to Handle a Hit and Run Car Accident

Hit and Run Accidents

Being involved in any type of a car accident can be traumatizing. If you are in an accident involving a driver who leaves the scene, it could cause even more fear or anxiety. The good news is that there are several steps that you can take to make sure that…

If A Car Accident Wasn’t My Fault Who Pays My Deductible?

Who Pays the Deductible in a Car Accident

Not all states require the same insurance coverage for drivers. Some states are No-Fault states and some are At-Fault states and if you are involved in a car accident your state’s status will determine how your insurance claim is handled. No-Fault No-Fault means that a driver does not have to…

Semi-Trucks Cause Catastrophic Injuries in Rear-End Accidents

Truck Accident Rear-end Collision Injuries

One of the scariest driving situations motorists face on the highways is when an 18-wheeler is bearing down on their vehicle from the rear. There are no conventional personal vehicles on the road that are a physical match for a big-rig when impact is obvious. Tractor-trailers can do extensive damage…

Visible Damage to Your Vehicle is a Key Factor in Your Personal Injury Case

When you’re involved in a motor vehicle accident, even if it’s a minor one, you’ll most likely be in shock for at least a few hours. During that time, you may not feel pain or discomfort and think you’re fine. Subsequently, however, you may realize that your body has suffered…

After a car accident, should you move or leave your vehicle?

Should You Move Your Car After an Accident

The minutes following a car accident are considerably more important than most people might think. Given the situation, most drivers are usually too shocked and disoriented to know how to react, and unfortunately for those people, their state of mind is far too easy to take advantage of for the…

Insurance Adjusters Don’t Work For You – Hire an Attorney

Insurance Adjusters Don't Work For You - Hire an Attorney

When a person submits a claim to their insurance company they will eventually have to deal with an adjuster from the company. An adjuster will be responsible for collecting all the facts of a case and determining its value. It is also the job of an insurance adjuster to pay…