Archive for the ‘Auto Accident’ Category

What to Do if you are Injured By a Police or City Vehicle?

What to Do if you are Injured By a Police or City Vehicle

Accidents involving police cars are not treated like any other car accident. If another vehicle or a pedestrian is hit by a police car, the victim may assume that police are immune to the law. This is not the case, police and city agencies are still liable to a pedestrian…

Why is it Important to Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions After a Car Accident? A Car Accident Lawyer Explains.

Why is it Important to Follow Your Doctor's Instructions After a Car Accident

Many people fail to get medical care immediately after they get into a car accident. This can cause problems when you file a personal injury claim. There are several reasons that people may opt not to get medical treatment after an accident. They may think that they can heal on…

What to Do if You Have Lost Wages or Lose Your Job Because of a Car Accident? A Car Accident Attorney Explains.

What to Do if You Have Lost Wages or Lose Your Job Because of a Car Accident

A car accident can devastate your life. If you are like most Americans, you cannot afford to miss one payday let alone weeks or months of income. If you are seriously injured in an accident, you will not have much choice in missing work. You might be confined to the…

Auto Accidents at a Stop Light Can Cause Serious Injuries. See How a Texas Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Auto Accidents at a Stop Light Can Cause Serious Injuries

Most drivers adhere to the rules of red lights and stop signs, but those who don’t can end up causing serious injuries and sometimes even fatalities. Unfortunately, many drivers disregard their own safety and the safety of others simply because they are in a hurry to get somewhere or they…

Did You Have a Car Accident and Receive a Medical Lien from a Hospital? See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Did You Have a Car Accident and Receive a Medical Lien from a Hospital

When a person arrives at a hospital after a severe accident, there is no time to check their insurance and make sure they have the coverage required for the care they need. Texas law requires that hospitals provide treatment to anyone in need of emergency medical attention. So, what happens…

Highway Rear End Accidents in Dallas Often Cause Serious Injuries. Learn How You Can Maximize Your Compensation.

Highway Rear End Accidents in Dallas Often Cause Serious Injuries

One of the most common types of car accidents are rear-end collisions. These crashes occur when a vehicle hits the one in front of it. Although many are minor fender-benders, some rear-end collisions can cause severe injuries and even death. Driver distraction, such as using a cell phone for texting,…

Were You Hit By a Car That Ran a Stop Sign but Their Insurance is Refusing to Pay? See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Were You Hit By a Car That Ran a Stop Sign but Their Insurance is Refusing to Pay

Stop sign accidents are one of the most common types of accidents on the streets. They are also difficult to prove who is at fault. There are a number of scenarios that a person may find themselves in. For instance, a driver may be hit by a person running a…

Top 5 Types of Intersection and Stop Sign Accidents. See How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Top 5 Types of Intersection and Stop S

It’s a generalized fact that accidents that happen at intersections tend to be the most deadly. They are commonly referred to as t-bone crashes and there are various aspects of the crash that determine how severe it can be. These types of accidents can happen at red lights and stop…

Do You Have Nerve Damage After Your Car Crash? Learn How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Do You Have Nerve Damage After Your Car Crash

The human nervous system is extremely sensitive. Even if you get into a minor car accident, you can still be left with neuropathy, or nerve damage. That is why it is important to hire a car accident attorney if you have been hurt in an accident. Insurance companies try their…

Injured in a Red Light Car Accident in Dallas, Texas? Find Out How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help.

Injured in a Red Light Car Accident in Dallas Texas

What To Do After A Red Light Traffic Accident This year countless Dallas residents will find themselves involved in a red light car accident of some kind. It is common for stopped vehicles to collide with one another when a distracted driver does not notice that a light has turned…