Why Your Auto Insurance Claim has Been Denied

After an auto accident the first step to recovery is typically to set up claims with the insurance companies involved. No payments can be made for Property Damage, Lost Wages, or Personal Injuries until the claims have been set up and the insurance company has accepted liability. Usually this process runs smoothly and the claims are paid in a timely manner. Occasionally, the insurance company will deny the claim and that often leaves people wondering what to do next. If you have been in this situation, you know how hopeless the future can feel. Claims are often denied for many reasons, we have outlined a few of these and have included some information for you on what you may consider doing in response:

Lapsed Coverage
This is the case when the coverage for a policy lapsed prior to the collision. Typically this occurs when the policy was not paid or when the insured driver has switched over to a new insurance company. When a claim is denied because of lapsed coverage having an attorney represent you can be helpful because the attorney can send correspondence to the at-fault party and urge them to provide updated insurance coverage information.

Unable to Determine Liability
Insurance companies will deny claims using this reasoning when it is questionable as to who was at fault for the accident. This is especially problematic when there is either no police report available or when the police report is inconclusive. If your claim has been denied for this reason, you should consider consulting with an attorney so that they may advise the best plan of action.
The Insured Found Not Liable
This denial reason can occur for several different scenarios. Perhaps, evidence proves that the driver of this vehicle was not at fault either because another party is at fault or there were extenuating circumstances leading to the accident. When an insurance company says that a claim is denied for this reason, it is advisable to have them provide more information as to their findings and then present this information to your attorney.
Lack of Response from Insured
Most insurance policies have language that require the insured to respond to the insurance company with their side of the story within a timely manner. If the insured chooses to ignore the contact efforts made by the insurance company, oftentimes an insurance company will deny the claim because they were unable to get their insured’s side of the story. In this situation, attorneys are typically able to send correspondence to the at-fault driver urging them to contact their insurance company and if needed, pursuing legal action against the at-fault driver individually.
The Accident is not of Injury Causing Nature
This is the go-to denial reason when an auto accident causes little to no damage to one or any of the vehicles involved in the accident. The insurance company’s typical argument is that the lack of damage proves that the severity of the impact is unlikely to cause an injury to the drivers or passengers involved. If you have received in juries in an auto accident and the insurance company has denied your claim for this reason, having an attorney prove up your cause is likely the best chance of getting a recovery.
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